single floor elevation

front elevation commercial ground floor



  • ID No

  • Type

  • Parking

  • Bedroom

  • Bath

  • Sqft


About This Design

front elevation commercial ground floor

front elevation commercial ground floor 30×50 ft total sqft in one floor 1500

In the realm of modern architecture, a harmonious blend of residential and commercial spaces has become an increasingly popular choice. Picture a magnificent front elevation, where a contemporary house seamlessly coexists with a ground-floor shop.

This innovative concept caters to those seeking the best of both worlds—a stylish dwelling accompanied by a commercial space that offers endless possibilities.

The front of the building serves as a captivating visual statement, showcasing a flawless fusion of sleek lines, large windows, and captivating design elements.

Undoubtedly, this modern house with a shop at the front not only embodies sophistication but also presents the best solution for individuals seeking a unique and versatile living experience.


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